
9 Month Stats

I cannot believe that Addie is 9 months old already it seems like time is flying by. She is crawling all over the place, pulling herself up on everything, into everything, loves the water (especially her pool in the backyard) and she is babbling about everything and anything. 

We had her 9 month check up today and our little muffin is growing great. She is in the 50% for her height and her head and in the 40% for her weight. We topped out at 18lbs 1 ounce and 27 1/2 inches tall...

She enjoys anything outside and loves her new portable playpen that we got. It is nice, because we can set it up and she is free to roam anywhere within in...great for the camping trip we took last weekend...

We are excited to see what adventures we have next and we love every stage even more and more! 

1 comment:

george, danielle, kingston & saxyn. said...

Whoa...Addie's 9 months? Seriously...before you know it we're going to be sitting next to each other at our children's college graduation! P.S. glad you found picnik :)