
6 Month Facts

It is hard to believe that Addie turned 6 months on the 18th...here are her stats from our appointment. 

Height - 26.5 Inches (50%)
Weight - 15.8 lbs (35%)
Head - 16 5/8 inches (42%)

We also graduated from Oatmeal to Peas, Apples and Sweet Potatoes. It has been so fun watching her explore new foods! She loves them, though I think she would prefer what we are eating.


Way behind

Well I have been not so good about updating the blog this last month, where has the time gone. We had a busy April and I cannot believe that it is May already. Below are the highlights from our Nichols Family Vacation to Palm Springs!

After our first swim!

After Riding the Tram ---105 Degrees at the bottom a nice 70 degrees at the top!
In the Town of Idylwild...so fun! 

First Time Swimming! 

At the condo where we stayed!